Friday 30 September 2011

Minnowburn is not just an allotment - it is an experience!

Belfast Health & Social Care Trust have been involved in the Minnowburn Community Allotments project from the early days. A Social worker heard about the project and contacted the Community Day Services team - This group provides Day Support for Adults with Learning Disabilities in the community, rather than in traditional Day Centres.

Initially in Spring 2009 there was little interest as all that could be seen was a blank field with some bamboo canes marking out the area where plots would be. We kept in touch and this view changed this winter when some of the group visited to see real plots where veg was growing and the New Poly Tunnel. - The place looked like a garden!

After initial digging over our wee raised bed, we planted Potatoes & Onions in March.  The sense of community support was evident from the start with other gardeners offering us, not only practical help and advice, but cuttings of Chives and strawberry plants and ½ packets of seeds for us to try out.
By Mid May we had green shoots coming up -  promise of things to come.

Getting young people interested in weeding & digging can be difficult, but Minnowburn is not just an allotment - it is an experience!

Many people who visited, commented on the sense of peace and tranquillity of the site.  Over the summer it became a place for quiet picnics and not much gardening!

The CDS Group are very active, and as part of our summer programme we were working with Mobile Team Adventure, doing activities on and around the River Lagan.  This culminated in a Multi activity day, starting from Shaws Bridge, Canoeing up the Lagan to Minnowburn car park and then walking up to the allotment through the National Trust Paths for a BBQ at the allotment.

The lettuce, onions, herbs and strawberries were all fresh from the allotment and there was a great Buzz from the 30+ people in attendance. 

Eating fresh picked salad in the Gardens and having a BBQ was certainly a great advertisement for fresh rather than fast food... hopefully there will be continued interest and when we come to plant next year there will be renewed enthusiasm for the Grow Your Own way of life.

'Drew Smiley

Senior Day Care Worker

Community Day Services

1 comment:

  1. Hi every one I, m now in Poland on the horticulture project. Within the next few days I intend to keep everyone at MCA informed of my experiences and the benefits to MCA.
