Wednesday 20 August 2014

International Scarecrow Day

The allotment was alive with celebrations on 19 August 2014 to mark International Scarecrow Day - the day the world over where straw stuffed men are created and sent off to do their duty - well according to Eileen Beamish at least. Find out more below.
Field Marshall Pete Potts in all his glory! 

 Eileen, Anna, Mr Potts and Jill
Jill Kent, the creator of Field Marshall Pete Potts
International Scarecrow Day all started when Eileen's friends, the Kent's from Kent, were visiting and heard all about the allotment. Jill Kent, being very arty and fantastic at all things creative, got quite excited about making a scarecrow. And so it was, Field Marshall Pete Potts is now on duty with Colonel Crow on his arm. With a sense of creation in the air it only seemed right to create International Scarecrow Day. Eileen and Magda are already in discussions about potential celebrations on 19 August 2015!

It also turns out that Jill Kent spent her final day in her 40s making Mr Potts. So Happy 50th Birthday Jill from all at Minnowburn Community Allotments.