Saturday 22 October 2011

look at all the pretty colours

It's not just the autumn leaves that give a dazzling show of colour. Couldn't resist sharing more photos of our wonderful mca. It really is a haven, good for body, soul and mind.

Lorna mca

hello autumn, my old friend

whilst at my wee patch this morning I took time to sit back and enjoy all the wonderful autumn colours of the plots. Yes, there's quite a lot of bare earth but there are quite a few surprises too, if you look...

hibernating caterpillar, anyone know what type?

Large white caterpillar enjoying chinese greens

Bee foraging on nasturtium

type of squash

We often tend to forget that October can be a good month for plants to grow, especially prerennial weeds!! So after removing as many perennial weeds (dock, creeping buttercup and dandelion) as possible I had a wander and checked out the other plots. While some gardeners have taken the full clearance option,
some have got impressive crops still intact.

amazing celery

come on slugs, check out this lettuce!!

very, very impressive, massive leeks

Lorna mca