Monday 27 February 2012

Wine Making Work Shop

On Thursday 23rd of Feburary MCA gardeners got togeather to make various wines. We had Grapes, Mixed fruit, Apple, Pear and Plums. We got chopping and managed to make 1 large bottle and 4 smaller bottles of various wines which should be ready in 2 months or so just in time for the summer season. Here are the photographs and a video from the great event.

Darn those pesky grapes
All the troops hard at work
I think this will be a very good vintage "Minnowburn 2012" Reserve!!!
Martin making himself useful
Yummy plums

Thursday 16 February 2012

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon...

What better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon than standing about with a spade!

There was some serious work going on in the background such as dividing the polytunnel into beds. The raised beds will make looking after the plants much easier.
Spot the foreman...

At last - a good strong man!

Happy at his work
At the back of the garden, always lurking and ever growing is the sod pile. You may or may not know it but the pile is contained within a nice wooden frame.

Like the Blob, it just keeps growing...

We found the path after some excavations.

There is another get together this Sunday, 19th February from 12 o'clock onwards. All welcome.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Wine Making Work Shop

Wine Making Work Shop

There will be a wine making workshop in the National Trust Office on Thursday 23rd of Feburary @ 6pm.

Please bring any type of fruit excluding citruses (perfect for it are apples, grapes, pears, berries etc.) that can be cut/chopped/mashed and could fill up around 1/3 of the bottle (this means that 10 kg of fruits should be enough). I will bring needed sugar and yeast and we can use tap water which first will need to be boiled then cooled down.

Please check your emails for details and let Magdalena know if you are coming.

Fidelma Maher