
There will be a wine making workshop in the National Trust Office on Thursday 23rd of Feburary @ 6pm.

Please bring any type of fruit excluding citruses (perfect for it are apples, grapes, pears, berries etc.) that can be cut/chopped/mashed and could fill up around 1/3 of the bottle (this means that 10 kg of fruits should be enough). I will bring needed sugar and yeast and we can use tap water which first will need to be boiled then cooled down.

Please check your emails for details and let Magdalena know if you are coming.

Fidelma Maher



The National trust “Food Glorious Food” Event 
8th and 9th of October 2011 @ Mount Stewart.

MCA will be selling plants, chutneys, seeds, recipe book and more. Please come along it will be a fun day for all.


Minnowburn End of Season Social BBQ
Saturday 3rd of September 2011
@ 3p.m

Live Music
Vegetable competition
Best Plot Awards
Bring your own food and Drink
All family and friends
of MCA welcome!!!