Monday 4 February 2013

muriel & emmas leaving drinkies jan 2013

it was a fond farewell to 2 of our most avid mca'ers!! 

there was a great turn out & the nite started off pretty civilised...

 & a few sore heads the next day no doubt but a great nites craic :o))
just cant recreate the hair pose Darren now the lucious locks are gone ;op
the 3 amigos
you will both be missed but we wish you all the best with your new life in France & look forward to hearing how you are getting along & catching up (good excuse for a pizza party & bbq if ever there was one) when you make any visits back to good ol norn iron!!

christmas party 2012

finally i hear you all say...i have eventually got around to trying to figure out this blogging please bear with are some pics of the christmas party lots of food & a great time was had by all :o)

 the hamper & spot prizes went down a treat!

as did a few words from our glorious leader ;op ( do you miss the long locks Darren??)
it was lovely to see the usual faces as well as some of the new menbers!  so a big welcome to all the newbies i hope you all come to love being part of mca!!!
a very belated happy new year to all!   lets hope 2103 is a great one for mca & all involved!!!