Sunday 18 December 2016

Christmas Party 2016

Another year at MCA has passed. It was nice to see so many gardeners there and the feast of cakes, biscuits, cheeses, bread, beetroot guacamole,beetroot cake, crisps and gluten free treats for all to share.
The Hamper prizes were drawn by the lovely Lorna supervised by Martin ensuring no prizes went astray. Lots of funds were raised by the ever successful raffle prizes.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all MCA Gardeners and their families. See you next year!!!!!!!!

Fidelma Maher

Friday 10 June 2016

June in Bloom

It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon and after weeks of glorious sunshine I decided to take myself off to the allotments for the afternoon to do the dreaded weeding. So in between the thunder and lightning storms I had a nice walk around the allotment to see how everyone's plots were doing and to check out the fruit trees.

 The Herb Garden looking really lush and green.

Spuds, Chickens wait chickens!, Oregano, chives 
and a lovely view whilst avoiding the Rain.
There are tiny little Grapes starting to form
 if you look really close top left, Red Chilli's and the
Tomato plants are growing nicely.
Gordon Blimey Apples, Plums and Pears galore!
Despite the crazy weather today, I really enjoyed myself even the weeding part and remembered how lucky I am to have an Allotment at such a beautiful place in Minnowburn, National Trust.
Fidelma Maher, June 2016

Monday 16 May 2016

New Zeland Flatworm found at Minnowburn

The New Zealand Flatworm has been discovered at the allotments in recent months. Should we be scared.

This animal is regarded as a major predator of our native earthworms and has the ability to devastate populations. However, its impact in agricultural land is unclear as earthworm populations in open fields seem to recover quickly from flatworm predation. There is no doubt that in confined or shaded places such as gardens and small woods, its effect upon earthworm numbers is greater and more permanent. It may also affect soil drainage.

It has spread rapidly in both Northern Ireland and Scotland. It is thought to have spread through plant trade and the first introduction was thought to have been in the 1950s through the trade in daffodil bulbs from New Zealand to Northern Ireland.


It is thought hot water is a cheap and easy means of disinfection of containerised plants. But research on this method has still to be determined.

Further Information and Photographs can be found at the following links:
Invasive New Zeland Flatworm.
CABI New Zealand Flatworm fact sheet

Fidelma Maher

Monday 28 March 2016

Easter Egg Hunt 2016


It was a glorious Spring day for the Easter Egg hunt at the allotments on 20th March 2016 . The children were out in full force in anticipation of finding lots of eggs. Magda had all the kids working together on the straw lady preparing her painted nails and all for the annual burning ceremony to say good bye to the Winter and hello to Spring. Afterwards some of the gardeners stayed around for a barbecue.

Painting the straw lady 

The girls working hard beautifying the straw lady

Bright red nails!!!!

Nice face

She's all ready


Ian making sure every thing is painted brown including himself.

Happy Days lots of eggs

The kids were very civilised and shared the eggs equally

Arthurs collection.

Mini eggs for a mini man.

Louise and Elizabeth hard at work on the herb garden.
Lou spring cleaning the LOO!!! 

There she goes
Kids shouting "die" straw lady. 

All the fun over for another year.

Monday 7 March 2016

Spring has Sprung

The first event of 2016 got off to a great start with sunshine after 4 months of rain! While the sun shone, the lads shovelled compost and filled in the old sand pit, mulched around trees and replenished some raised beds. The ladies tidied up the fruit trees, fruit bushes and hedges with a light prune and some weeding. 
Fruit trees pruned to perfection

Some TLC for the raspberries, the hedge and Daisy
A well deserved lunch

Some nutritious mulch for the apples.
Everyone had a great morning and worked up a good appetite. Work all complete in time for lunch and afternoon naps.

Here's to a great year and a bumper crop of fruit.

Lorna and Fidelma