Tuesday 24 January 2012

Magdas Dumplings

Magdas Dumplings

Here is the recepie for the lovley dumplings Magda made for us at christmas.

to make dough you will need:
0.5kg plain flour
1 egg
some water or if prefered- milk

1. Mix all the ingredients and form the dough (add more water/milk if you find it too dry or more flour if too sticky)-; the dough needs to be good enough for very thin rolling, which means it won't tear when you roll it and it won't stick to the rollong pin;
2. Once rolled- use a round cutter-in practice: a cup, a glass or anything that has round shape... to cut out circles; in the middle of the circle put a filling (usually full teaspoon of filling on a 'cup' measured circle); bend the circle with a filling in half and stick the edges of formed now semi-circle (if you want to have a lovely looking finish-use a fork to press the edges, however forming it with fingers is less stressful...);
3.  Put into the boiling water (when you bring the water on to boil-add some salt and a bit of oil/olive, so the dupmlings won't stick);
4. Keep the pot on a heat and once the dumplings start to "float" on the surface- take them out from the pot on a plate, separating from each other until they dry;
5. melt the butter in a souce/frying pan and add some breadcrumbs, let it fry for 1-2minutes then spread on dumplings;
now, everything you can do is just simply ENJOY YOUR MEAL! SMACZNEGO!

as a filling you can use nearly everything-I did it with white soft cheese that has been mixed with 1 yolk and vanila sugar; very good alternative to this are summer friuts and berries, but also meat or veggies-anything you firnd worth experimenting!

Magdalena RachaƄska

Wednesday 18 January 2012

10th December Work Day & Christmas Party

On the 10th of December 2011 the Gardeners and National Trust volunteers got togeather and carried out various tasks around the garden before the winter set in. The polytunnel was cleared, the hedge was mulched, the hoses were brought in before the frost, the compost was turned and manure was collected from St Georges Market stables. Thanks to all who showed up to make it a very successful day many hands do make light work. When the work was done everyone headed for the office where the soup was stirring, dumplings were baking,  and mulled wine was stewing.
Here is a selection of phootgraphs which capture the day.

Ainda winding up for the winter
Polytunnell being cleared

Hedge Mulching

Manure was collected from St Georges Market Stables to fill the compost bay to break down for use in a year or two.

Quick Eva destroy the weeds

Hard at work 

Anthonys Ice Museum
Wee Muckers
Meanwhile in the kitchen Magda was giving  a polish dumpling making lesson.
Danger Women at work  
Stirring Lornas Leek and Potato Soup
Mulled Vino on the go
Christmas fare
Lets Party
Snack and movie time

And the winner is!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some Polish Voldka would liven this up a bit I think

Everyone enjoying the party

A well earned drink for Martin and Tom